Thursday, February 11, 2016

Lesson 6: Developing Basic Digital Skills

            ICT opens the way for complex and higher cognitive skills. Bloom’s Taxonomy of Thinking Skills can serve as a general framework of skills, creativity, idea creation and real world problem solving skills. But remember that the basic 3R’s (Reading, Writing, Arithmetic) will not replace the literacy skills. The following are sequenced from highest to lowest:

6. Creating;
5. Evaluating;
4. Analysing;
3. Applying;
2. Understanding and;
1. Remembering

            Because of higher thinking skills, schools today can inculcate the digital fluencies, while overcoming limitations in digital technology resulting to mediocre learning skills of new learners. There is also an instructional shift in the instructional process, from lecture-to-task to digital tasks-to-learning. These results in developing skills and learning outcome achieved by students themselves known as 4D’s.

1.      Define the problem
2.      Design the solution
3.      Do the work
4.      Debrief on the outcome

We also have the six essentials skills to equip student’s success namely:
1.      Solution Fluency
2.      Information Fluency
3.      Collaboration Fluency
4.      Media Fluency
5.      Creativity Fluency and
6.      Digital Ethics

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