Thursday, February 11, 2016

Lesson 8: Higher Thinking Skills through IT- Based Projects

There are 4 types of IT- Based Projects namely:

1.      Resource- based projects
2.      Simple creations
3.      Guided hypermedia projects
4.      Web- based projects

Resource- Based Projects

The teacher steps out of traditional way and become now the facilitator and guide. The students now find their own facts and information. The students use their own skills and the teachers, being the facilitator facilitates the classroom and her/his students. These students/ learners, relies or have a variety of resources not just the book, but they have now their modern library, the internet.

Simple Creations

            Students are also assigned to work on their software material. In developing software, creativity as an outcome should not be equated with ingenuity or high intelligence rather it is more constant with planning, making, assembling, designing, or building. 

1.      Analysing
2.      Synthesizing
3.      Promoting 

To develop creativity, the following 5 key tasks may be recommended:
1.      Define the task
2.      Brainstorm
3.      Judge the ideas
4.      Act and;
5.      Adopt flexibility

Guided Hypermedia Project
            The production of self- made multimedia projects can be approached into different ways; 1. Instructive tool and 2. Communication tools.


Web- based Project
            Students can be made to create and post web pages on a given topic. It allows the students in the internet to post in web pages and definitely a wider audience. Even if it is a single web page, the creativity of the students should be seen.

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